Category: Salt Lake City

Memorial Couloirs off Mount Olympus

Loved by tourists but feared by locals, it’s the busiest ski weekend of the year: Presidents’ Day weekend. We knew the ski resorts and Cottonwood backcountry would be packed so we decided to go someplace new. (more…)

Best of 2013 Winter Outdoor Retailer Tradeshow

This is the first blog I’ve done entirely from my iPhone, so please excuse any typos!


Fresh picks for C. Wild

Have you checked out my store yet? Here are some of the freshest new items I’ve picked up on my travels. They are going into the store today, so come get ‘em before they are gone forever.


My new store, introducing C Wild

Big news! I opened my own clothing shop. It’s located in the upstairs section of Unhinged, a locally owned shop in the historic Sugarhouse district of Salt Lake City. (more…)

Yoga Photos by Ben Moon
