Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich
Who skied it better? @rob.lea or me? The snow today was so effortless to ski through! These turns felt easier than walking.
Who skied it better? @rob.lea or me? The snow today was so effortless to ski through! These turns felt easier than walking.
One of the projects I’m most proud of is the @julboeyewearna family series goggle I designed with @simon.charriere. We met in Chamonix and Simon sketched while I skied. The Valle Blanche was in perfect, bluebird, powder conditions. We took our inspiration back to the @julbo_eyewear headquarters in France, where they have been making eyewear for over a century. It would mean the world to me if you would consider these goggles in your holiday shopping. Help us get good sell-through so we can do another collaboration. Check out the link below or in my profile to purchase and use code WNTR2519 for 25% off! Thank you so much for all your support! https://www.julbo.com/en_us/goggles/elara-caroline-gleich#216=78&318=4631 Photos: @qiglesisphoto #julboathlete #bigmtndreams
Thanksgiving reminder: You can love something or someone, disagree with them on an issue and still have a meaningful relationship. Just because you don’t agree on an issue doesn’t mean you have to completely shut someone or something out of your life. You can respectfully disagree, try to understand the other person’s point of view and look for places where your interests and values do overlap. Sometimes, you can find a successful outcome.Of course, sometimes you reach an impasse, and that’s ok too. You can have an unsuccessful negotiation and still be friends.A good example of this is my relationship with @altaskiarea. I love backcountry skiing. I’m on the board of the @wasatchbackcountryalliance to protect that experience for future generations. I also love skiing at Alta, especially with my family. While I don’t agree with their idea about developing Grizzly Gulch, I still have a ton of love and passion for the place and the people who work there.When we come to the table from a place of kindness and understanding, we are more likely to make the kinds of changes we want to see. It’s a good reminder for how to approach interactions with friends and family over the holidays.Caveat: There are also situations or behaviors that become so toxic, the only option is retreat. I’m not advocating for people to stay in those types of harmful situations. Be able to recognize those situations and take care of yourself when you need to. Trust your instincts, and feel free to respectfully disagree with me. I’m here to continue learning and growing. Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!Photo: @louisarevalo
I am so excited to let you know that the @julboeyewearna goggle I designed with @simon.charriere is available for purchase!!! Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve dreamed of making a custom goggle! Seeing this come to market is a lifelong dream come true. The inspiration for the design comes from my big mountain dreams, seeing the colors of sunrise in my home mountain range in the Wasatch to the French Alps in Chamonix.It would mean the world to me if you would support this product launch by purchasing for yourself or for a holiday gift! Check out the link below or in my profile to purchase and use code WNTR2519 for 25% off! Julbo is a family owned eyewear company that has been making mountain eyewear since 1888 (over 130 years)! Their eyewear comes with a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects. I’m proud to be an ambassador for such a long-standing and awesome brand! Let me know if you have any questions. https://www.julbo.com/en_us/goggles/elara-caroline-gleich#216=78&318=4631 Photos: @louisarevalo
I’ve been thinking about international men’s day all week and unpacking some of my thoughts and emotions around it. For a long time, I felt I needed to adopt to the norms of masculinity in order to survive in a family with three immediate brothers and then, in a male-dominated industry as an adult. I always felt I had to be tough, I could never cry and I thought I could show no emotion. I wore that armor for most of my life.It culminated in a moment on an expedition when I called Rob a sexist slur because he didn’t want to go up the mountain with me. I felt I had to put him down to be a strong leader. I was so committed to the outcome, I didn’t want to abandon our goal even though the conditions weren’t right for our objective.I’m so glad he spoke up and refused to go, because a few days later, a team of experienced mountaineers were killed in an avalanche on the route we were going to climb. His intuition and willingness to speak up kept us alive.As I reflect on this moment, I deeply regret the name-calling. I also realize how far I’ve come. I have learned that I don’t need to play by the boys rules to be successful. Leadership isn’t bullying, dominance or putting others down. That kind of toxic leadership behavior is outdated, yet still so prevalent in the world.I have learned that I can be compassionate, empathetic and a strong leader while embracing my femininity. I don’t need to become someone else.Unpacking masculinity on men’s day also unpacked part of my experience and gave me a path to healing. I’ve come to realize the best thing I can do is realize I am enough and I deserve to be where I’m at. It’s taken me my whole life to learn that being myself is the best gift I can give the world. Love you @rob.lea!