Author: Caroline

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

Today I’ve been thinking about what responsible outdoor recreation looks like in the time of Coronavirus.⁣⁣Here are my thoughts:⁣⁣Wash your hands before you go out. Stay home. Take advantage of the opportunity to explore your backyard and local trails.⁣⁣Pick your partners wisely. Don’t go with anyone outside the group you need to have close contact with. Roommates. Family. This isn’t a time for group hikes or meet ups. ⁣⁣Don’t clump up at trailheads, don’t go out to eat afterward, maintain six feet of distance at all times. This is the hardest thing to do. I’ve noticed that people are really bad at socially distancing. ⁣⁣As hospitals start to fill up, be incredibly mindful of the risks you’re taking. It’s not the time to push it and risk any injury in the backcountry as first responders, nurses, doctors and hospitals are going to be overwhelmed. If someone young gets hurt, they are taking the bed of someone’s grandparent or relative. ⁣⁣Don’t carpool. I know that goes against everything we always say and do for the environment but there’s no way to share rides and not transmit the disease. ⁣⁣Make as many personal sacrifices as you can to protect the health of the most vulnerable. ⁣⁣Bring hand sanitizer for the trail and wash up as soon as you have access to water and soap. ⁣⁣If there’s anyway you can help your neighbors (a food drop, offering to pay people’s bills, etc.), please do whatever you can. ⁣⁣Nature can be incredibly healing in these stressful, unprecedented times but we need to be responsible how we get outside so we can protect ourselves and others. ⁣⁣These are my thoughts. I’d love to hear what others think. Weigh in below. Photo: at home in the Wasatch taken by @acpictures

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

Listen to the science. Avoid crowds. Cancel non essential travel. Don’t shake hands. Maintain social distancing. Wash your hands. Stay home if you’re sick. #SkierForScience #SurferForScience #FlattenTheCurvePhoto: at the 2017 March for Science. Pre-Coronavirus. Don’t do this now!

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

On Sunday, I made a difficult decision to cancel a ski trip to Canada that was planned for this week. It seemed kind of silly to preemptively cancel on Sunday, but now; I realize I made the right decision. I canceled because I would feel terrible if I unknowingly caused others to get sick.⁣⁣The time to do those silly things is before they are necessary, because that gives us a chance to contain the spread of the virus. I am worried about Coronavirus, because it can cause permanent scar tissue on the lungs on younger people, but I’m especially worried about my 88-year-old dad and how sad I would be if he became ill and there were a shortage of ventilators.⁣⁣Since I canceled on Sunday, the rest of my March and April plans and associated income have taken a big hit as the conferences I was supposed to speak at are all being called off. If there are any schools, universities or conferences who are putting together virtual programming and are interested in doing an interview, I’d love to talk to your students or participants and share some of my decade and a half of expertise in the outdoor industry and as a climate activist.⁣⁣Topics I can speak on include risk management, embracing challenge (a feminine approach to achievement), gender equality, climate change activism, and adventure and activism. We can also show one or more of my short films and do a Q&A. Or I can create a special presentation on the topic of your choice. ⁣⁣This is a weird time in the world right now. It's taken me a few days to adjust my mindset, and there are times I feel overwhelmingly depressed and anxious. Those are understandable reactions. Let's wash our hands, stay home if we’re sick (and advocate for paid sick leave and living wages), prepare (and try not to panic) and find ways to go forward together. Photo: ski touring in British Columbia by @acpictures #coronavirus #covid #fomo

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

My time in the mountains has taught me how to be strong, aggressive and make my voice heard. I was thrilled to share those lessons with a group of women yesterday to celebrate International Women’s Day. ⁣⁣Together, we reached the summit of Wright Peak, one of the 46 4000ft peaks in the Adirondacks. ⁣⁣Spending the day immersed in nature with a group of strong women was one of the best ways I could imagine celebrating. ⁣⁣Thanks for the good times, Keene Valley! ⁣⁣Photo: my arms are in an equal sign to show that equality is not a women’s issue, it’s a human issue.⁣ Let’s make everyday international women’s day (and celebrate international men’s day too). ⁣@mountaineerbandana @lakeplacidadk @adksusa #perfectdayadk

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

Forest bathing in the Adirondacks. I’ve heard a lot about Keene Valley and I’m stoked to be here at the Backcountry Ski Fest to experience skiing in the Northeast! #PerfectDayADK@mountaineerbandana @lakeplacidadk @adksusa #sponsored