February 2nd, 2020
I was up until 2:30 am vomiting, with diarrhea the night before the climate rally. I don’t know what it was – whether it was nerves or something I ate. I tried to remain calm but, truthfully, I was freaking out because I had invested a ton of time and energy into planning the march and rally, and I was worried that I would be too ill to lead.Does anyone else get diarrhea before doing something scary?I remember I had it the night before I climbed and skied Mt. Rainier/Tahoma. Maybe this is all TMI, but it’s the truth.The point is, diarrhea sucks, and I care about doing everything I can to act on climate change a lot. I care about this work more than any mountain I’ve climbed or skied.My partner, @rob.lea, had to run out and grab me some medicine and he fed me electrolyte drink. I finally fell asleep, long after my desired bedtime.I wasn’t sure how it was going to go the next day, but YOU showed up. And somehow, I held it together. Hundreds of us marched through the halls of OR and down the streets of Denver to hear from an amazing line-up of speakers at the Colorado Capitol. YOU showed you care. I’m inspired by everyone who was there, and I know there were others who would have been there if they could.Activism inspires activism – it has a snowball effect. My hope is that everyone will dig deep and continue the momentum from Friday in their city, state and country.I woke up this morning, tired and achy, physically and mentally exhausted. My throat is hoarse and my voice croaks from hours of chanting in the streets.And now that it’s over, I can fall asleep with a feeling of satisfaction knowing that I did everything I could for this rally. I feel at peace knowing that our passion to take action on climate will continue to endure.More to come, but for now, sleep. #climaterally2020 Photos: @ksenia_k_photography#
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