Quotes for the Day

“Resist much.  Obey little.”       Walt Whitman

“Now.  Or Never.”         Thoreau

“In the mountains, there you feel free.”          T.S. Eliot

“There is no such thing as absolute dirt: it exists in the eye of the beholder.”                  Mary Douglas

And now…the funniest picture from last season.  Iris Noack and I were shooting with Steven Lloyd early in the season at Brighton.  This was the first day of the new Milicent lift being opened and the area was littered with rocks.  Steve and Jason West lined her up off this rock after inspection, and even though I knew I should’ve stayed behind the mound of snow, I had to see if she stuck it.  Every time Iris and I look at my goofy helmet head sticking out, we laugh hysterically.  Enjoy!
