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I’d rather be skiing. But the urgent threat of climate change is so important, I’m swapping out ski boots and outerwear for a suit and sneakers to head to D.C. to speak to Congress. I’ve been asked testify on H.R. 5435, the American Public Lands and Waters Climate Solution Act, a bill to reduce emissions from public lands and waters to zero by 2040. ⁣⁣You may not realize that our public lands are responsible for 25% of our country's climate emissions. The bill will put a one year pause on new leasing to allow the Department of the Interior to develop a comprehensive emission reduction strategy. ⁣⁣I've spent the last month training for this, and tomorrow, Wednesday February 26, is go time. The hearing starts at 10 am EST. Head to the link below or in my profile to tune in for the livestream. ⁣⁣⁣⁣Huge thanks to @outdooralliance for recommending me as a witness and for all their support. Preparing my speech, written testimony and practicing for the Q&A was no small feat.