Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

It’s been an emotional journey to return to Chamonix four years after I first came here. Four years have gone and many of my heroes are dead. I’m still grieving the loss of my dear friend @liz_daley who first told me of the wonder of the mountains of Chamonix and invited me to come experience it with her. I’m grieving the loss of my youthful exuberance for ski alpinism. I’ve lost the carefree joy I could once walk through these mountains with, and instead, approach them with a different kind of humility, fully aware of the fragility of life. It’s been a heavy burden on my shoulders this week, and I’ve been in a weird day dream, thinking about what could have been. I find solace in the spirit of the community as I reconnect with old and new friends. And in walking amongst these giant mountains, feeling the wind in my face.