September 26th, 2019
I’m back on the road with my hubby @rob.lea as he continues his ride across the USA! So far, he’s biked over 2,500 miles/4,000 km in the last 28 days as the final leg of his Ultimate World Triathlon (his self-created challenge to climb Everest, swim the English Channel and ride across USA in six months).I think we all thought this bike ride was going to be the easy part, but we totally underestimated the physical and logistical challenges! We’ve been figuring it out as we go along. I am so jealous I can’t ride the entire thing with him due to my knee (which is feeling really good), but I’m still riding with him every day and then riding back to the car to get 20-40 miles of my own in before I return to crewing duties. I’m hoping I can stay with him through the finish of his ride, which we estimate will be in less than two weeks! Keep checking his page and website for updates and cheering him on!!! And remember what he’s doing it for: to raise awareness for men’s role in advocating for gender equality. I’m so proud of him for using his goal to talk about a bigger issue. We know an athletic endeavor isn’t going to change the world, but if we can get even one person to think about the role they play in making the world a better place, we feel like we’ve won. #triforequality #climbforequality #heforsheThanks @fattire for the support. #thenbeer
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