Author: Caroline

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

“The time is always right to do what is right. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”⁣⁣Happy MLK Jr Day. These are two of my favorite MLK Jr. quotes. As I was out skiing today, I was thinking about how the outdoor community approaches climate change as a matter of protecting snow and outdoor recreation for future generations.⁣⁣It’s time to elevate the conversation. Snow is water and water is life. This is much bigger than skiing and protected public land. Climate change isn't a far away thing that only our children's children are going to have to deal with. It's here now and people are losing their homes and their lives. ⁣⁣As privileged people who have the luxury of going outdoors to recreate, we have a moral responsibility to save our planet and all the people on it. It’s time to do everything we can. I hope you’ll join us for the #ClimateRally2020 in Denver on 1/31! See the link in my profile to RSVP.Photo: @marykmcintyre

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

It’s been a storm cycle to remember in the Wasatch. It’s one of the few places I’ve been where it can be sunny and snowing at the same time. ⁣⁣Each Salt Lake resort and canyon has its own personality. Which one is your favorite? ⁣⁣@skicity #skicity #ad

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

The best thing a woman can do is trust her intuition and use her voice. ⁣⁣This was one of the biggest takeaways from my time mentoring @badgal_brooky as we wandered windy Wasatch ridgelines and shared stories on the skintrack. ⁣⁣When women are empowered to speak up in the backcountry, their group is less likely to have an avalanche accident.⁣⁣This lesson extends beyond the mountains – when women lead in government, they enact more progressive climate policies, which also steers society away from disaster. ⁣⁣I encourage all the ladies to keep showing up and speaking up, whether it's in the boardroom or the backcountry. ⁣⁣⁣Photo: @marykmcintyre @patagonia_snow #climbforequality

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

Frozen hair, don’t care. It was a chilly Wednesday morning on the skintrack, but it’s hard to complain about a little cold when you get a bluebird, powder day in the backcountry. I’m so excited to be spending this week with Brooklyn Bell, mentoring her on backcountry travel and supporting her leadership in the outdoor and art world. I first met Brooklyn through Instagram a few years ago and we’ve kept in touch. This is our first time hanging in real life and I’m so grateful for her companionship and friendship. I look forward to many more adventures to come. If you don’t already follow Brooklyn, I highly recommend following @badgal_brooky for her art, mountain biking and skiing. Representation matters and I’m stoked to welcome her to our @patagonia ambassador team.

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

Climate Rally: January 31 from 2-4 pm at the Colorado Capitol in Denver, CO.⁣⁣On the last day of the Outdoor Retailer tradeshow, I’m organizing a climate march and rally with @katieboue to stand with youth activists and advance the cause of climate action! Will you join us?⁣⁣As a professional ski mountaineer, I realize that those of us who are able to go outside for recreation are privileged. It is imperative that we recognize our privilege and do everything we can to protect the environment, expand outdoor access and create a community with more representation and inclusion.⁣⁣When the trade show left Salt Lake City and moved to Denver, it was because of Bear’s Ears and Utah’s hostility to public lands. The threats to our public lands are directly related to climate change and social justice. It’s time for the outdoor industry to step up and lead on climate.⁣⁣Clean air, clean water and access to the outdoors is a human right – it shouldn’t be an activity limited to a privileged few. Climate change disproportionately affects communities of color and low-income families, who are likelier to live near polluting power plants, congested highways, toxic waste sites, and landfills. And the high asthma rates in their children reflect this reality.⁣⁣Climate change is the biggest social justice issue of our time. And the urgency calls on us to act now.⁣⁣RSVP on our Facebook event – link below and in profile:⁣⁣ #ActOnClimate #ClimateRally2020