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“The time is always right to do what is right. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”Happy MLK Jr Day. These are two of my favorite MLK Jr. quotes. As I was out skiing today, I was thinking about how the outdoor community approaches climate change as a matter of protecting snow and outdoor recreation for future generations.It’s time to elevate the conversation. Snow is water and water is life. This is much bigger than skiing and protected public land. Climate change isn't a far away thing that only our children's children are going to have to deal with. It's here now and people are losing their homes and their lives. As privileged people who have the luxury of going outdoors to recreate, we have a moral responsibility to save our planet and all the people on it. It’s time to do everything we can. I hope you’ll join us for the #ClimateRally2020 in Denver on 1/31! See the link in my profile to RSVP.Photo: @marykmcintyre