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Happy International Men’s Day. You might be wondering, do men need a day? And to that I say, absolutely yes. Lifting up women also means lifting up men. Redefining femininity means addressing masculinity. Just like a woman can be strong and girly, a man can also be emotional and manly. You can be a man and love deeply and cry freely. You can be a strong man and go to the doctor and ask for help. You can say I love you to another man and not be gay. If we want to create a better world for women, let’s bring men along for the ride. Creating a more just an equitable world where people can be the best versions of themselves includes calling in men. Let’s celebrate positive masculinity! If you want to learn more, I highly recommend listening to The Lonely American Man on the Hidden Brain podcast (link below and in bio).Tag a man who portrays positive masculinity below! A few of my favorite: @rob.lea, @josebilingue, @mynameisbam, @fitzcahall, @mariorigby, @vasu.sojitra, @forestwoodward, @renan_ozturk, @noyekim, and charles_post.#internationalmensday Photo: @vertizonphoto