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One of the best ways to improve your skill set as a mountaineer is to learn how to ice climb. It’s a good time to start thinking about signing up for your local ice festival! Ice festivals offer an affordable way to try ice climbing and improve your winter climbing skills. ⁣⁣I am so excited to go to the @michiganicefest this winter, talking about activism and sharing some tools to be an informed voter. I’ve always wanted to ice climb in the Midwest and I can’t wait to take some clinics, climb some pitches and hang with some cool people. I hope to see you at Michigan Ice Fest. If you can’t make it there, be sure to find and support an ice festival near you! Check out the link below to find a list of ice festivals in the US this winter:⁣⁣⁣⁣#bigmtndreams ⁣⁣⁣photo: @zeugswetterphoto