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When I fly with @rob.lea, he does this really annoying thing when the plane lands. He claps, enthusiastically. He says it’s his astonishment of the miracle of air travel. As we’ve traveled more, I’ve grown to find his cheer a little less annoying and more endearing. His clapping helps me remember it is a privilege to be able to travel. It helps me feel less stressed out and more grateful.I have a theory that our bodies still haven’t adapted to the miracle of air travel. When I’m traveling, whether it’s to see family for holiday or vacation, it takes a toll on my body. I’m an anxious traveler. I get super stressed out before a trip.Here are my tips for staying healthy when traveling:1. Sleep. Try to maintain a sleep schedule where you get 7-10 hours of sleep. I always pack an eye mask and earplugs so I can create a soothing environment for sleep.2. Hydrate. Hydration is essential. I always fill up my reusable water bottle before taking off and I try to drink the whole flight, even if it means making the aisle and middle seat people get up (I’m a window gal).3. Eat. Nothing can worsen stress quite like being hangry. I always pack a bar to tide me over.4. Supplements. I take @gaiaherbs Adrenal Health Daily Support with me when I’m traveling to sustain energy and help me find balance. And when I’m home, in between, I take Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup to support immune health. I’d love to hear your tips for staying healthy while traveling. Share with me in the comments below! #gaiaherbs #gaiaherbspartner #sponsored #adrenalhealth #blackelderberrysyrup #stayhealthy