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Congratulations @rob.lea! Today, my husband, Rob finished his bike ride across America, touching the Atlantic Ocean. You would think that would be enough but this is also the finish of his self-created Ultimate World Triathlon: biking across America (over 3500 miles), swimming the English Channel and climbing Everest/Chomolungma, all in a six-month stretch of time (and we had a wedding in there). No one has ever done it before. It’s been a rollercoaster of a year! I am so proud of him for setting this ambitious goal and having the courage to see it through. I am also proud of him for using this triathlon to talk about men’s role in advocating for gender equality. We are capable of so much more than we can ever realize. When we dig deep, we can achieve unfathomable goals. Now, we are so excited to celebrate…and sleep.#triforequality #climbforequality #ultimateworldtri #thenbeer @fattire