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I’ll say it again: you can drive, fly, ride a helicopter or snowmobile, work for the fossil fuel industry and still be a climate activist. Yes, continue to take action to reduce your carbon footprint, but realize we need broad, systemic change. The most important thing you can do is become a climate activist and join the #globalclimatestrike this Friday. In the past decade of my climate activism, I’ve been called a hypocritical ecoterrorist, a glacier killer, Little Miss Polluter, a dipsh*t, an egotistical stupid little girl and told to STFU for saying we need to act. At times, I allowed that name-calling and abuse to silence me. But I won’t be silent any longer. Don’t let those voices of dissent silence you, either. Scientists and young people are right, the time for climate action was 30 years ago, but we have time if we act now. Photo: standing in front of what’s left of the Franz Josef glacier/Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere in New Zealand, by @rob.lea To find a climate strike near you, go to patagonia.com/climatestrike