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Human-caused climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. I believe businesses have huge power and responsibility to take care of the planet, create positive environmental change and fight climate change.I’m so excited to be working with @gaiaherbs because of our shared commitment to environmental efforts. One of the most interesting ways Gaia Herbs is fighting climate change is through regenerative farming. Conventional agricultural practices such as mono-cropping, deep tilling and overuse of pesticides have killed the microorganisms in our soil. Regenerative farming helps to re-builds soil’s biodiversity and carbon count, enabling the soil to act as a carbon sink and trap C02, putting carbon back into the ground. As David Brower said, “There is no business to be done on a dead planet.” I hope other businesses will follow suit and see that taking care of the soil can be good for the bottom line too.#sponsored #gaiaherbspartner #gaiaherbs #regenerativefarming #healthysoil #fightingclimatechange #protectingtheplanetPhoto: @alyssanistler