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Just a few more weeks until I get to marry my best friend! What a journey it has been getting to this point. I think that marriage will be our greatest adventure yet.•I used to think that I would find my Prince Charming and he would sweep me off my feet. Movies, TV shows and popular culture do a lot of damage to our perceptions about love and romance. •I don’t think that there is “the one” anymore. There isn’t one person who will come sweep us off our feet and change our life. The only person who can change your life and make your dreams come true is you. Only once you take care of yourself and do the hard work can you find someone who will enhance your life and share a deep companionship.•@rob.lea and I have been together for almost five years. In 2017, we broke up for a few months. During that time apart, we realized we add a lot to each other’s lives and we are better together. I believe that love and marriage will require making that choice every day. •Relationships are a lot of work. They require you to explore your wounds and insecurities, to be vulnerable and to let down your walls. And there is no happily ever after. It will take commitment and a constant choosing of being together over being alone. I’m excited for the challenge. Photo: @thehearnes