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The world lost a great activist/adventurer this week when Garon Coriz passed away in a climbing accident. My heart is broken for all the conversations we never finished, text threads and Facebook messenger chats about climbing trips we were dreaming of, or places we thought we might meet up to share a rope and a pitch of rock or ice. I loved how Garon invited me to learn more about his perspective on Bears Ears and public lands. His energy was magnetic. His presence, warmth and smile created an ambiance of inclusivity, a little bubble of belonging and acceptance. Garon was deeply committed to protecting the Bears Ears National Monument from development. He was a family doctor serving Native American communities. He was a leader and a friend, and will be deeply missed. I hope we will all be inspired by his legacy, to serve our communities and protect the environment. Most of all, to remember to listen to and elevate Native American voices, as they have been stewards of the land since time immemorial. RIP Garon. #StandWithBearsEars #HonorTribes