Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich
One of the hardest things for me is asking for help and trusting that someone will be there. I think it’s a common challenge. I’m pretty stubborn and independent, and I like to do things the way I want to do them. Climbing Everest/Chomolungma with my partner @rob.lea and the rest of my team was a way to heal my injured instincts around help and trust. On an 8000m peak, you have to watch out for one another. You have to help each other to make sure you don’t make life-threatening mistakes (It turns out the same is true for recovering from ACL surgery.) I am so grateful to my fiancé, Rob, for all the help along the way, and I can’t wait to marry him in less than two months! Photo: all smiles and kisses at the north col/camp 1 (23,000’/7000m) snapped by @carla.perez.ec .........@fattire #thenbeer @keen #keenambassador @rylo #storiesthatmove @gaiaherbs @clifbar #feedyouradventure @julboeyewearna #julboeyewear @lekiusa #lekipoles @movementskis #bigmountaindreams #climbforequality #ambassadorfortheplanet #everest2019 #chomolungma @alpenglowexpeditions #adventuredoneright