Author: Caroline

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

One month post ACL reconstruction surgery. It may not look like much, but one of the things I’ve learned with this injury is to celebrate the progression along the way. Today, I am so happy to be moving like this, quickly and fluidly and focused on “fast feet.” I love my PT sessions for the opportunity they provide to work on functional strength. I already feel stronger then I was before the injury! Tearing my ACL used to be one of my biggest fears. I’m learning that I tend to overdramatize things in my mind, and it’s not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Good things happen when we are forced to face our fears. Thanks @smmurnin for all the positivity on this journey! @keen #keenambassador @patagonia

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

Happy 4th of July! It is a great privilege to be a citizen of the USA and with that privilege comes a responsibility to participate in the democratic process. So take this as a reminder to register to vote! It’s never too soon or too late to become an active, informed voter. Have a safe and fun fourth! Photo: @alexaphoto

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

Ohhh Canada. I’ll never forget the place where I fell in love with backcountry skiing. Happy Canada Day to all my friends up North! Did you know Protect Our Winters has a Canadian chapter? @protectourwinterscanada is looking for volunteers, members and enthusiastic outdoorsy folks to get involved! Check out the link below and in my bio to join POW! Photo: @soglephoto

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

This Fourth of July week, let’s not forget how important it is to show up and speak up. Taking a tour of the Pentagon with my friend who works for the Department of Defense – @carolynswertka was another highlight of my DC trip last week. Finding comfort in the hallways of government buildings in DC helps me continue to build my skillset as an activist, and I can’t wait to return to DC in September to speak up about climate change and public lands. #BetterTakesAction @keen #keenambassador #AnswerWithAction @patagonia

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

This Fourth of July week, let’s not forget how important it is to show up and speak up. Taking a tour of the Pentagon with my friend who works for the Department of Defense – @carolynswertka was another highlight of my DC trip last week. Finding comfort in the hallways of government buildings in DC helps me continue to build my skillset as an activist, and I can’t wait to return to DC in September to speak up about climate change and public lands. #BetterTakesAction @keen #keenambassador #AnswerWithAction @patagonia