Author: Caroline

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

I’m stoked to be in Washington, DC meeting with lawmakers and representatives to share stories of how climate change is affecting the snowsports industry and build support for climate change action.⁣⁣As much as we try to make this look fun on social media, this is hard and stressful work. We meet with reps on both sides of the aisle and focus on solutions that can garner bipartisan support.⁣⁣To help deal with the stress, I’ve been taking @gaiaherbs Adrenal Health Daily Support to support the healthy function of my adrenals and maintain a sense of well-being. I am learning more about the power of plants and herbs to nourish my body.⁣⁣#sponsored #gaiaherbspartner #gaiaherbs #adrenals #adrenalhealth

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

This is our future if we don’t act on climate. Diminishing snowpack and warming winters are melting away my livelihood. But it’s more impacting more than sport. Human life depends on the water from snowfall and glaciers. When the snow goes away and the glaciers run dry, what will we do for water?That is why I'm in DC all week to talk about climate change and protecting public lands with @pow_action_fund. There are multiple opportunities if you want to come say hi or see me speak! ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tomorrow, 9/12, 11:30-1pm: I'm speaking to a Senate Democrats Special Committee on Climate Change hosted by Senator Brian Schatz, D-HI, at the US Capitol Building, SVC 202-203. This is open to the public or you can watch online:⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tomorrow night 5-7 pm: There is a Protect Our Winters Reception and Capitol Hill Staffers Meet and Greet at the Liaison Washington Capitol Hotel Roof Deck at 415 New Jersey Ave.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Saturday, 9/14 7-9 pm: I'm presenting my talk on Activism & Adventure at @patagoniadc. Come learn stories of how to become an activist and enjoy a @fattire with me!⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Hope to see you there!⁣#answerwithaction

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

We had an exciting first day of meetings in DC starting with @tinasmithmn and I'm here all week to talk about climate change and protecting public lands with @pow_action_fund. There are multiple opportunities if you want to come say hi or see me speak! ⁣⁣⁣⁣Tomorrow, 9/12, 11:30-1pm: I'm speaking to a Senate Democrats Special Committee on Climate Change hosted by Senator Brian Schatz, D-HI, at the US Capitol Building, SVC 202-203. This is open to the public or you can watch online:⁣⁣⁣⁣Tomorrow night 5-7 pm: There is a Protect Our Winters Reception and Capitol Hill Staffers Meet and Greet at the Liaison Washington Capitol Hotel Roof Deck at 415 New Jersey Ave.⁣⁣⁣⁣Saturday, 9/14 7-9 pm: I'm presenting my talk on Activism & Adventure at @patagoniadc. Come learn stories of how to become an activist and enjoy a @fattire with me!⁣⁣⁣⁣Hope to see you there!#answerwithaction

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

I dream of bringing children into this world someday. But I’m scared we won’t have a healthy planet for them to live on. That’s why I’m going to Washington DC tomorrow to advocate for climate change action with @protectourwinters. Because what’s good for the planet is good for human health too. Until I have my own kids, I love being an aunt to my nieces and nephews!#actonclimate for the future generation.

Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich

In 2012, I visited the Abaco Islands for a friends wedding. Seeing the news of the devastation from Hurricane Dorian, my heart goes out to the people in the Bahamas. I’ve made a donation to Team Rubicon to help with some of the relief, and I urge you to consider donating as well via the link below or in my profile. We must act on climate to prevent worsening hurricanes in the future. That is why I’m going to Washington, DC next week with a group from @protectourwinters to encourage lawmakers to support large-scale systemic changes to reduce carbon emissions.