Follow me on Instagram @carolinegleich
Happy New Year’s Eve to you and happy birthday to me!My birthday wish is that everyone will realize the power we have to create the world we want to see and speak up on the issues that matter. I want to thank you for your support in disrupting implicit bias and creating a more equitable world. If you haven’t already, post and pledge to #climbforequality! Pledge to vote. And stay tuned for more info on a big action around climate change on January 31! #actonclimate Photo: taking in the views from the roof of the world, camp 2 at 25,000’/ 7,620m on Everest/Chomolungma. Tearing my ACL seven weeks before Everest was one of my lowest lows. It’s still hard for me to believe I was able to complete the climb without my ACL. It was such an incredible year where I had to confront my worst fears while accomplishing my biggest goals. I can’t wait for what’s ahead.