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I’ll say it again: you can drive, fly, ride a helicopter or snowmobile, work for the fossil fuel industry and still be a climate activist. Yes, continue to take action to reduce your carbon footprint, but realize we need broad, systemic change. The most important thing you can do is become a climate activist and join the #globalclimatestrike this Friday. ⁣In the past decade of my climate activism, I’ve been called a hypocritical ecoterrorist, a glacier killer, Little Miss Polluter, a dipsh*t, an egotistical stupid little girl and told to STFU for saying we need to act. At times, I allowed that name-calling and abuse to silence me. But I won’t be silent any longer. Don’t let those voices of dissent silence you, either. ⁣⁣Scientists and young people are right, the time for climate action was 30 years ago, but we have time if we act now. ⁣Photo: standing in front of what’s left of the Franz Josef glacier/Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere in New Zealand, by @rob.lea To find a climate strike near you, go to