Wasatch Winter 2012-13 Ski Descent List
After reading Kim Havell’s Tick List, I was inspired to make one of my own highlighting my list of ski descents from the winter of 2012-13. Even though our Wasatch winter snowpack was deficient in water weight, we were blessed with good avalanche stability. Ridgelines and chute entrances were rocky, but there were good windows to hit big lines.
Here’s what I ticked off during the season:
Heart of Darkness
High Ivory
Deseret Peak, East and West Couloirs
Hypodermic Needle
Little Pine
East face of Twin Peaks
Lisa Falls
Superior – North and South faces
Monte Cristo Direct
Diving Board (Possible first female descent)
NW Couloir of the Pfeifferhorn
Cold Fusion – Mt. Timpanogos
Mt. Nebo- NW Couloir
Devil’s Castle – Angelic Doorstep (1st Descent), East Castle
Mt. Flagstaff – Pop Tart (1st Descent)
Wolverine – Tips and Tails, Bronco, Roman’s, Granny’s
Mt. Tuscarora
Mt. Olympus – Apollo Couloir, Memorial Couloirs
Coalpit Headwall
Ensign Peak
Mt. Aire
Homicide Chute
American Fork Twin Peaks – Center Chute
Mt. Baldy – Main Chute
Lone Peak- NE Couloir
Teton List:
Middle Teton – Full SW Couloir to Icefloe Lake and out Cascade Canyon
Buck Mtn. – East Face via East Ridge
Mt. Albright – North face
Nez Perce – West Hourglass
1 week at valhalla Mountain Touring
1 week at Meadow Lodge
Rodgers Pass BC
Dome Glacier to Lily Glacier
Terminal Cancer