[Podcast] How to Be A Climate Activist With Molly Kawahata: Voting, Messaging, and the Need for Systemic Change. Episode 8

How to Be A Climate Activist With Molly Kawahata: Voting, Messaging, and the Need for Systemic Change. Episode 8
May 4th, 2020

"We're not here for very long, so we're going to do everything we can to move historical climate legislation forward."

-Molly Kawahata, about her years of working on climate and energy for the White House during the Obama Administration

I am thrilled to share this conversation with Molly Kawahata. I first met Molly when she worked as the Policy Advisor for Energy and Climate Change at the White House during the Obama Administration. I remember being invited to a call about a climate initiative by the White House, and being so excited, only to accidentally mess up the time on the call and miss it while on a trail run! I was so disappointed, but luckily, I was able to join a future call. Molly started the #ActOnClimate social media campaign, which currently has over 130,000 posts, which is what the call I missed was about! 

I got to meet Molly on a trip to Washington DC with Protect Our Winters and we instantly bonded. She’s one of the brightest people I know, with a special talent for climate messaging. In this episode, we chat about climate, voting, what it was like working at the White House, environmental sinners vs. environmental saints and mountaineering adventures with tips for how we can all improve our messaging on climate.


When We all Vote

League of Conservation Voters

Asian Pacific Environmental Network 

Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression and the Unexpected Solutions

Molly's Favorite Book: The Largesse of the Sea Maiden by Denis Johnson

Molly's Instagram