First Snow of the Season
One of the things I love most about living in Utah is the change of seasons- having four distinct seasons and the transitions between them. Sometimes the weather is schizophrenic, going from summer to winter in a day and then back to fall and back to summer. But it keeps you on your toes, and it forces you to create some interesting layering solutions.
This week, a cold front roared into Northern Utah. Temperatures plummeted as a cold air mass settled over the area and we received 6-8″ of snow at upper elevations. Yesterday, we took a drive up Little Cottonwood Canyon to Alta to play in the new snow. It’s rare to experience the beauty of fresh snow with the drama of fall colors. Just as the summer wildflowers speckle the landscape with Jackson Pollock style splatter paint- the fall colors bring the landscape alive. I love having this year round relationship with the mountains.
As much as some people want to chase endless winter or summer, I love the transitions, the anticipation for winter, the subtle and not so subtle changes of leaves, rocks, vegetation, rivers and landscape.
Here are some photos from yesterday’s adventure: