December 13th, 2007
This winter, one of my ongoing projects is working with the local schools in Salt Lake and Park City to expose the youth to freeride skiing and snowboarding. Axis Freeride and the Youth Wintersports Alliance have already sent me to 4 schools where I have set up a mini-trampoline onto a big porta-pad to simulate the feeling of dropping into a jump on skis and catching some air. We take over their gym classes, and teach straight airs, grabs, spread eagles, daffies, 180s, 360s, and on from there! After the in-school demonstration, we give the kids wristbands that have a website where they can sign up for a free on-snow intro to freeride, which will be held at the Utah Olympic Park. I’m so excited to taking on this exciting project. Check out some of the pictures from Trailside Elementary in Park City.
Me demonstrating the "T-set"

Showing where to jump
Showing the easy way to do a 180

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