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Mt. Hood Summit and Ski Attempt #1

This past Saturday (May 16, 2009), I made my first attempt to summit and ski Mt. Hood.

From the moment I saw this towering glacier, I knew I had to get on top of it.  Mt. Hood whispered my name and I responded to the call.

With lines like this in the springtime, it’s a hard balance between skiing in good conditions and being safe.  We all want 7,000′ of good corn, but a few degrees can make a big difference.

I checked out the conditions on Friday, and the snow was still frozen solid at noon.  Glacial ice is different than any other type of frozen.  Instead of a solid sheet, the glacier ice is variegated, making the skiing pretty unenjoyable.

With this in mind, we decided that being on the summit by noon would be sufficient to let it soften up.  We took the Palmer lift up at 9:30 and started hiking around 9:45. 




Saturday, unfortunately, was about 10 degrees hotter than Friday and by the time we reached the Hogsback, it was a battlefield on the summit.  One climber had been taken out by icefall and basketball size chunks were breaking off.  We turned around there, and still enjoyed 6000′ vertical of continuous skiing.



Illumination rock, where we got some really good turns!

Tomorrow, I am heading out with photographer Richard Hallman on a 2:00 am cat ride to make another attempt.  Should be good.  Check back for more photos.

Skiing down Little Chute on Baldy in May

Check out this footage:

Alta Closing Day 2009

It’s been ages since I last updated.  I apologize.  I’ve been so busy partaking in the many activities springtime in Salt Lake has to offer.

The Alta Spring Festival was held the day before Easter and was a blast!  Thanks to everyone who came out and especially those ladies (and gentleman) who tested out the new Roxy skis.



My dad, Jerry Gleich, testing out the Mumbo Jumbos.

Alta had their final day a week later.  It was a beautiful, sunny spring day, perfect for skiing in a costume.


Here’s one of Alexa Miller, Sue Larson and me from Alta’s Closing day 2009.


Alta’s Closing Day is an infamous celebration after a season of incredible skiing.  However, it helps to be prepared.  You’ll want to show up in some sort of costume, even if it’s a Hawaiian shirt over your normal ski outfit.  If it’s sunny, I will ski in one costume and then put on some extra layers before heading to the top of Alf’s High Rustler at the end of the day.  And remember to drink plenty of water and bring a backpack to carry out any trash you make throughout the day.

I was so sad to see Alta closing with so much snow, but it means there will be a long spring and early summer of backcountry touring. 

Check back soon for more pics and to hear about my hanggliding adventures lately!

Alta Spring Festival 2009

I love spring in Salt Lake–it’s a glorious time of year where you can wear shorts and a tank top one day and jeans and moon boots the next.  I’ve had some exciting multisport days with groomers or a backcountry hike in the morning, swimming mid day and laps around Liberty park on the skateboards and rollerskates in the early evening.


photo by Alexa Miller


Alta is hosting a free public demo on April 11 where you can come test out next year’s skis.  This is one of my favorite events of the year at Alta. 

The locals in Little Cottonwood love to dress up in crazy ski outfits during the warm spring days.  Make sure you have your closing day outfit prepared by checking out Thrift Town’s Spring Fling Sale, where you can save 30% on clothing March 27.  They are located at 3300 S and 1300 E.


Check out this photo I just had published in Fluid, a French snow magazine taken last spring at Snowbird, UT by Brent Benson:

Caroline Fluid Mag copy

Kavu Elements Tour in Big Sky Montana

After a weekend of rest after finishing the Shootout, Alexa Miller and I decided to head up to Big Sky Montana to shoot photos and meet up with the Kavu Elements Tour.


Driving into Big Sky


Apres party at Big Sky with the Elements Tour.

The firetruck in the photo is "Baby" who runs without petroleum on vegetable oil.

Today we took a day off skiing and relaxed at the Yellowstone Hot springs.



Here’s Alexa shooting. 


At boiling river.

After a thorough soak, we headed to Chico to hit up an awesome bar, restaurant, hot spring and resort place.


The bar was established in the 1900s!  Montana has so many beautiful, quirky places.  I love it everytime I come here.

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We will be skiing and shooting at Big Sky, Bridger and possibly in the Crazy Mountains for the rest of the week.